Class Rooms

Teachers and students spend a lot of time in class talking to one another and exchanging their experiences, making the classroom an ideal setting for information exchange. 

Morning Assembley
Reception Area of Dunes Academy

Optimizing Learning Environments

Teachers and students spend a lot of time in class talking to one another and exchanging their experiences, making the classroom an ideal setting for information exchange. To protect our students’ health and well-being, we design our classrooms at Dunes Academy to meet or exceed international requirements for space, natural light, and ventilation.

Kids Dunes Academy

The use of whiteboards and interactive whiteboards has made classroom instruction more interactive and interesting for students. Our classroom furniture is not only visually appealing but also fulfils international quality requirements and is ergonomically built to assure the safety and comfort of the pupils.

Cultural Activities at Dunes Academy
Pre-Primary Education
Science Lab

Beyond the Walls.

We also offer outdoor spaces that may be used as classrooms for our outbound education programs. An outdoor classroom has been found to increase pupils’ interest in and enthusiasm for learning.

Specialist areas

Sporting facilities

Performance spaces

Here, children are encouraged to express themselves creatively. They collaborate on art projects with their instructors and classmates. Children are encouraged to follow their natural inclinations. In the activity area, we let our young Picassos use their imaginations at will.

Embracing Nature's Classroom

Freedom of movement and the opportunity to engage all of the senses are two of the greatest benefits of teaching in an outdoor setting. We can create more curious and interested adults by protecting children’s natural sense of wonder.

Class Rooms
Class Rooms

Sports Precinct

Performing arts spaces


Music Centre

Visual arts